
Household Cleaning Hints
March 17, 2012, 10:45 PM
Filed under: helpful household hints

Here are some helpful hints for cleaning around the house.

1)  If the casserole spills in the oven, sprinkle a generous amount of salt on the spill immediately.  It will minimize the burning smell and make it easier to wipe off once the oven cools down.

2)  Club soda will shine up your stainless steel appliances and sinks in less time than a powder cleanser.  Or use Canada Dry because it has a sodium bicarbonate that doesn’t leave a streak.  Make sure to use a soft cloth and wipe well.

3)  For lamp shades, use a lint roller.  You can also use this devise to pick up crumbs off counter tops and table cloths.

4)  I don’t do windows!  Do them less often when you use Rain-x or a similar product.  One coat, prevents dirt from sticking to glass and from you having to do them as often.

5)  Don’t scrub the mildew from your shower curtain.  Put in the washer with hot water, a couple of towels, detergent and 1 cup vinegar.  After the washer stops take out and re-hang immediately to remove wrinkles.  The abrasion from the towels in conjunction with the cleaners are what does the job.

6)  Use a microfiber towel to wipe down faucets and sinks.  Wet and wring out, then wipe down the area.  It makes quick work of bathrooms and when it is time for in-depth cleaning, it is faster and easier.

7)  Loosing your socks in the laundry?  Use a safety-pin and pin them together while washing and drying.

8)  Another use for used dryer sheets is as dust cloth.  This works great on electronics, wood, and delicate objects or knickknacks.  It also only costs you once:)


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I love your helpful article. good stuff. I hope you write others. I will carry on reading

Comment by Vitamin B

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